Why is the maintenance of pneumatic components important?

If the pneumatic device is not paid attention to maintenance, it will be damaged or malfunction frequently, greatly reducing the service life of the equipment. Regular maintenance of pneumatic devices can reduce and prevent failures and increase the life of components and systems. Therefore, companies should formulate maintenance and management specifications for pneumatic equipment. Autoair talks about the importance of maintenance of pneumatic components.

The central task of maintenance work is to ensure that the compressed air pneumatic system is clean and dry, to ensure the sealing of the pneumatic system, to ensure the necessary lubrication of the oil mist lubricated components, to ensure that the pneumatic components and systems get the specified working conditions (such as the use of pressure) , Voltage, etc.) to ensure that the pneumatic cylinder


It is recommended to use the oil replenishment specification once a week for the lubricator, replenish, pay attention to reducing the amount of oil. If the fuel consumption is too low, the amount of oil droplets should be readjusted. After adjustment, the number of oil droplets is still decreasing or not dripping. Check whether the inlet and outlet of the oil mist injector are reversed. Check whether the oil passage is blocked and whether the specifications of the selected lubricator are correct and appropriate.


Why is the maintenance of pneumatic components important?

   The monthly maintenance work is more cautious than the daily and weekly maintenance work, but it is still limited to the scope of the external vibration plate can be inspected. The main content is: carefully check for leaks everywhere, tighten loose screws and pipe joints, check the quality of air emissions from the reversing valve of the junction box, check the flexibility of the adjustment part, check the correctness of the index, check the solenoid valve switch Reliability of action Check the quality of the piston rod, everything can be checked from the outside.

  Maintenance work can be divided into regular maintenance work and regular maintenance work. The former refers to maintenance work that must be performed daily, while the latter can be maintenance work performed weekly, monthly or quarterly. Maintenance work should be recorded. Maintenance work should be recorded to facilitate future fault diagnosis and handling.

   Autoair Pneumatics manufacturer recommends that all check points should be coated with soap and other methods to check for air leaks, because it shows that the effects of air leaks are more sensitive than listening to sounds.

   When checking the quality of the air discharged by the reversing valve, the following three aspects should be paid attention to: First, to understand whether the petroleum waste gas is suitable or not, the method is to put a clean white paper near the exhaust port of the reversing valve. After three to four cycles of work, if there is only one white spot. The paper indicates that the lubrication is good. The second is to know whether there is condensate exhaust, and the third is to know if there is a leaking exhaust. A small amount of gas leakage indicates early damage to the component (a slight leakage of the gap seal valve is normal). If the lubrication is not good, the chemical pump should consider whether the installation position of Mr. Yu is suitable, whether the selected specification is suitable, whether the dripping amount is properly adjusted, and whether the quality vibration vibration method meets the requirements. If there is condensate drainage, a filter should be considered. Whether the location of the device is appropriate, whether the actual and optional uses of various water removal components are reasonably used, and whether the management of condensate meets the requirements. The main cause of leakage is poor sealing in the valve or cylinder, and insufficient air pressure. This is a sealed valve with a large leak. It may be the valve core caused by a worn valve sleeve.

  The cylinder piston rod is often exposed. Observe whether the piston rod is scratched, corroded, or unevenly worn. According to whether there is gas leakage, it can judge the contact between the piston rod and the guide sleeve of the front cover, the sealing ring, the processing quality of the compressed air, or whether the cylinder has a lateral load, etc.

  Autoair reminds you that like safety valves, emergency switch valves, die-casting molds are rarely used. During regular inspections, the reliability of its operation must be confirmed.

Post time: Nov-08-2021